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Cyber Security

Welcome to our cybersecurity training institute in Vizag. In today's digital world, comprehensive cybersecurity measures have become important. Organizations are looking for trained people who can protect their systems and data from potential breaches as cyber threats evolve alarmingly. Our comprehensive cybersecurity course in Vizag is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to deal with cybercrime. This course, taught by industry specialists with years of expertise, combines academic concepts with practical, hands-on training.

Why Choose Our CyberSecurity Course Training in Vizag?

Our cybersecurity course in Vizag will provide you with access to advanced facilities where you can apply your knowledge in real-life situations. Our hands-on approach guarantees that you learn practical skills that employers value. After completing our cyber security course training in Vizag, you will have the knowledge and skills required to secure networks, detect potential attacks, investigate incidents, and implement effective security measures. This course will give you a solid foundation to excel in this quickly increasing area, whether you are an aspiring cybersecurity professional or an IT enthusiast wishing to enhance your skill set.

CyberSecurity Training Overview in Vizag

We take pleasure in being one of the best cybersecurity training institutes in Vizag, with a curriculum that includes a wide range of topics such as network security, ethical hacking, encryption, malware analysis, and incident response. You will be introduced to the most up-to-date technologies and techniques cybersecurity professionals use to find vulnerabilities and protect against cyber threats. Join us at our prestigious institute today as we embark on a journey to strengthen digital landscapes against cyber threats. Enroll out best cybersecurity course in vizag.

Here is our CyberSecurity Course Curriculum in Visakhapatnam Designed by Experts

Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

Information Security Overview
  • Elements of Information Security
  • Motives, Goals, and Objectives of Information Security Attacks
  • Classification of Attacks
  • Information Warfare
Cyber Kill Chain Concepts
  • Cyber Kill Chain Methodology
  • Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs)
  • Adversary Behavioral Identification
  • Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)
Hacking Concepts
  • What is hacking?
  • Who is a hacker?
  • Hacker Classes
  • Hacking Phase: Reconnaissance
  • Hacking Phase: Scanning
  • Hacking Phase: Gaining Access
  • Hacking Phase: Maintaining Access
  • Hacking Phase: Clearing Tracks
Ethical Hacking Concepts
  • What is Ethical Hacking?
  • Why Ethical Hacking is Necessary
  • Scope and Limitations of Ethical Hacking
  • Skills of an Ethical Hacker
Information Security Controls
  • Information Assurance (IA)
  • Defense-in-Depth
  • What is Risk?
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Threat Modeling
  • Incident Management
  • Role of AI and ML in CyberSecurity
Information Security Laws and Standards
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX)
  • The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
  • The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
  • Cyber Law in Different Countries

Module 02: Footprinting and Reconnaissance

Footprinting Concepts
  • What is Footprinting?
Footprinting through Search Engines
  • Footprinting through Search Engines
  • Footprint Using Advanced Google Hacking Techniques
  • Google Hacking Database
  • VoIP and VPN Footprinting through Google Hacking Database
  • Other Techniques for Footprinting through Search Engines
Footprinting through Web Services
  • Finding a Company’s Top-Level Domains (TLDs) and Sub-domains
  • Finding the Geographical Location of the Target
  • People Search on Social Networking Sites and People Search Services
  • Gathering Information from LinkedIn
  • Harvesting Email Lists
  • Gather Information from Financial Services
  • Footprinting through Job Sites
  • Deep and Dark Web Footprinting
  • Determining the Operating System
  • VoIP and VPN Footprinting through SHODAN
  • Competitive Intelligence Gathering
  • Other Techniques for Footprinting through Web Services
Footprinting through Social Networking Sites
  • Collecting Information through Social Engineering on Social Networking Sites
  • General Resources for Locating Information from Social Media Sites
  • Conducting Location Search on Social Media Sites
  • Tools for Footprinting through Social Networking Sites
Website Footprinting
  • Website Footprinting
  • Website Footprinting using Web Spiders
  • Mirroring Entire Website
  • Extracting Website Information from https://archive.org
  • Extracting Website Links
  • Gathering Wordlist from the Target Website
  • Extracting Metadata of Public Documents
  • Other Techniques for Website Footprinting
Email Footprinting
  • Tracking Email Communications
  • Email Tracking Tools
Whois Footprinting
  • Whois Lookup
  • Finding IP Geolocation Information
DNS Footprinting
  • Extracting DNS Information
  • Reverse DNS Lookup
Network Footprinting
  • Locate the Network Range
  • Traceroute
  • Traceroute Analysis
  • Traceroute Tools
Footprinting through Social Engineering
  • Footprinting through Social Engineering
  • Collect Information Using Eavesdropping, Shoulder Surfing, Dumpster Diving, and Impersonation
Footprinting Tools
  • Footprinting Tools: Maltego and Recon-ng
  • Footprinting Tools: FOCA and OSRFramework
  • Footprinting Tools: OSINT Framework
  • Footprinting Tools
Footprinting Countermeasures
  • Footprinting Countermeasures

Module 03: Scanning Networks

Network Scanning Concepts
  • Overview of Network Scanning
  • TCP Communication Flags
  • TCP/IP Communication
Scanning Tools
  • Scanning Tools: Nmap
  • Scanning Tools: Hping2/Hping3
  • Scanning Tools
  • Scanning Tools for Mobile
Host Discovery
  • Host Discovery Techniques

Port and Service Discovery
  • Port Scanning Techniques
  • Service Version Discovery
  • Nmap Scan Time Reduction Techniques
  • Port Scanning Countermeasures
OS Discovery (Banner Grabbing/OS Fingerprinting)
  • OS Discovery/Banner Grabbing
  • How to Identify Target System OS
  • Banner Grabbing Countermeasures
Scanning Beyond IDS and Firewall
  • IDS/Firewall Evasion Techniques

Draw Network Diagrams
  • Drawing Network Diagrams
  • Network Discovery and Mapping Tools
  • Network Discovery Tools for Mobile

Module 04: Enumeration

Enumeration Concepts
  • What is Enumeration?
  • Techniques for Enumeration
  • Services and Ports to Enumerate
NetBIOS Enumeration
  • NetBIOS Enumeration
  • NetBIOS Enumeration Tools
  • Enumerating User Accounts
  • Enumerating Shared Resources Using Net View
SNMP Enumeration
  • SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Enumeration
  • Working of SNMP
  • Management Information Base (MIB)
  • SNMP Enumeration Tools
LDAP Enumeration
  • LDAP Enumeration
  • LDAP Enumeration Tools
NTP and NFS Enumeration
  • NTP Enumeration
  • NTP Enumeration Commands
  • NTP Enumeration Tools
  • NFS Enumeration
  • NFS Enumeration Tools
SMTP and DNS Enumeration
  • SMTP Enumeration
  • SMTP Enumeration Tools
  • DNS Enumeration Using Zone Transfer
  • DNS Cache Snooping
  • DNSSEC Zone Walking
Other Enumeration Techniques
  • IPsec Enumeration
  • VoIP Enumeration
  • RPC Enumeration
  • Unix/Linux User Enumeration
  • Telnet and SMB Enumeration
  • FTP and TFTP Enumeration
  • IPv6 Enumeration
  • BGP Enumeration
Enumeration Countermeasures
  • Enumeration Countermeasures

Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerability Assessment Concepts
  • Vulnerability Research
  • Resources for Vulnerability Research
  • What is Vulnerability Assessment?
  • Vulnerability Scoring Systems and Databases
  • Vulnerability-Management Life Cycle
Vulnerability Classification and Assessment Types
  • Vulnerability Classification
  • Types of Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability Assessment Solutions and Tools
  • Comparing Approaches to Vulnerability Assessment
  • Characteristics of a Good Vulnerability Assessment Solution
  • Working of Vulnerability Scanning Solutions
  • Types of Vulnerability Assessment Tools
  • Choosing a Vulnerability Assessment Tool
  • Criteria for Choosing a Vulnerability Assessment Tool
  • Best Practices for Selecting Vulnerability Assessment Tools
  • Vulnerability Assessment Tools: Qualys Vulnerability Management
  • Vulnerability Assessment Tools: Nessus Professional and GFI LanGuard
  • Vulnerability Assessment Tools: OpenVAS and Nikto
  • Other Vulnerability Assessment Tools
  • Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Mobile
Vulnerability Assessment Reports
  • Vulnerability Assessment Reports
  • Analyzing Vulnerability Scanning Report

Module 06: System Hacking

System Hacking Concepts
  • CEH Hacking Methodology (CHM)
  • System Hacking Goals
Gaining Access
  • Cracking Passwords
  • Vulnerability Exploitation
Escalating Privileges
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Privilege Escalation Using DLL Hijacking
  • Privilege Escalation by Exploiting Vulnerabilities
  • Privilege Escalation Using Dylib Hijacking
  • Privilege Escalation using Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities
  • Privilege Escalation using Named Pipe Impersonation
  • Privilege Escalation by Exploiting Misconfigured Services
  • Pivoting and Relaying to Hack External Machines
  • Other Privilege Escalation Techniques
  • Privilege Escalation Tools
  • How to Defend Against Privilege Escalation
Maintaining Access
  • Executing Applications
  • Hiding Files
Clearing Logs
  • Covering Tracks
  • Disabling Auditing: Auditpol
  • Clearing Logs
  • Manually Clearing Event Logs
  • Ways to Clear Online Tracks
  • Covering BASH Shell Tracks
  • Covering Tracks on a Network
  • Covering Tracks on an OS
  • Delete Files using Cipher.exe
  • Disable Windows Functionality
  • Track-Covering Tools
  • Defending against Covering Tracks

Module 07: Malware Threats

Malware Concepts
  • Introduction to Malware
  • Different Ways for Malware to Enter a System
  • Common Techniques Attackers Use to Distribute Malware on the Web
  • Components of Malware
APT Concepts
  • What are Advanced Persistent Threats?
  • Characteristics of Advanced Persistent Threats
  • Advanced Persistent Threat Lifecycle
Trojan Concepts
  • What is a Trojan?
  • How Hackers Use Trojans
  • Common Ports used by Trojans
  • Types of Trojans
  • How to Infect Systems Using a Trojan
Virus and Worm Concepts
  • Introduction to Viruses
  • Stages of Virus Lifecycle
  • Working of Viruses
  • Types of Viruses
  • How to Infect Systems Using a Virus: Creating a Virus
  • How to Infect Systems Using a Virus: Propagating and Deploying a Virus
  • Computer Worms
Fileless Malware Concepts
  • What is Fileless Malware?
  • Taxomony of Fileless Malware Threats
  • How does Fileless Malware Work?
  • Launching Fileless Malware through Document Exploits and In-Memory Exploits
  • Launching Fileless Malware through Script-based Injection
  • Launching Fileless Malware by Exploiting System Admin Tools
  • Launching Fileless Malware through Phishing
  • Maintaining Persistence with Fileless Techniques
  • Fileless Malware
  • Fileless Malware Obfuscation Techniques to Bypass Antivirus
Malware Analysis
  • What is Sheep Dip Computer?
  • Antivirus Sensor Systems
  • Introduction to Malware Analysis
  • Malware Analysis Procedure: Preparing Testbed
  • Static Malware Analysis
  • Dynamic Malware Analysis
  • Virus Detection Methods 
  • Trojan Analysis: Emotet
  • Virus Analysis: SamSam Ransomware
  • Fileless Malware Analysis: Astaroth Attack
  • Trojan Countermeasures
  • Backdoor Countermeasures
  • Virus and Worm Countermeasures
  • Fileless Malware Countermeasures
Anti-Malware Software
  • Anti-Trojan Software
  • Antivirus Software
  • Fileless Malware Detection Tools
  • Filesless Malware Protection Tools

Module 08: Sniffing

Sniffing Concepts
  • Network Sniffing
  • Types of Sniffing
  • How an Attacker Hacks the Network Using Sniffers
  • Protocols Vulnerable to Sniffing
  • Sniffing in the Data Link Layer of the OSI Model
  • Hardware Protocol Analyzers
  • SPAN Port
  • Wiretapping
  • Lawful Interception
Sniffing Technique: MAC Attacks
  • MAC Address/CAM Table
  • How CAM Works
  • What Happens When a CAM Table Is Full?
  • MAC Flooding
  • Switch Port Stealing
  • How to Defend against MAC Attacks
Sniffing Technique: DHCP Attacks
  • How DHCP Works
  • DHCP Request/Reply Messages
  • DHCP Starvation Attack
  • Rogue DHCP Server Attack
  • How to Defend Against DHCP Starvation and Rogue Server Attacks
Sniffing Technique: ARP Poisoning
  • What Is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?
  • ARP Spoofing Attack
  • Threats of ARP Poisoning
  • ARP Poisoning Tools
  • How to Defend Against ARP Poisoning
  • Configuring DHCP Snooping and Dynamic ARP Inspection on Cisco Switches
  • ARP Spoofing Detection Tools
Sniffing Technique: Spoofing Attacks
  • MAC Spoofing/Duplicating
  • MAC Spoofing Technique: Windows
  • MAC Spoofing Tools
  • IRDP Spoofing
  • VLAN Hopping
  • STP Attack
  • How to Defend Against MAC Spoofing
  • How to Defend Against VLAN Hopping
  • How to Defend Against STP Attacks
Sniffing Technique: DNS Poisoning
  • DNS Poisoning Techniques
  • DNS Poisoning Tools
  • How to Defend Against DNS Spoofing
Sniffing Tools
  • Sniffing Tool: Wireshark
  • Sniffing Tools
  • Packet Sniffing Tools for Mobile Phones
  • How to Defend Against Sniffing

Sniffing Detection Techniques
  • How to Detect Sniffing
  • Sniffer Detection Techniques: Ping Method and DNS Method
  • Sniffer Detection Techniques: ARP Method
  • Promiscuous Detection Tools

Module 09: Social Engineering

Social Engineering Concepts
  • What is Social Engineering?
  • Phases of a Social Engineering Attack
Social Engineering Techniques
  • Types of Social Engineering
  • Human-based Social Engineering
  • Computer-based Social Engineering
  • Mobile-based Social Engineering
Insider Threats
  • Insider Threats/Insider Attacks
  • Types of Insider Threats
  • Behavioral Indications of an Insider Threat
Impersonation on Social Networking Sites
  • Social Engineering through Impersonation on Social Networking Sites
  • Impersonation on Facebook
  • Social Networking Threats to Corporate Networks
Identity Theft
  • Identity Theft

  • Social Engineering Countermeasures
  • Detecting Insider Threats
  • Insider Threats Countermeasures
  • Identity Theft Countermeasures
  • How to Detect Phishing Emails?
  • Anti-Phishing Toolbar
  • Common Social Engineering Targets and Defense Strategies
  • Social Engineering Tools
  • Audit Organization's Security for Phishing Attacks using OhPhish

Module 10: Denial-of-Service

DoS/DDoS Concepts
  • What is a DoS Attack?
  • What is a DDoS Attack?
DoS/DDoS Attack Techniques
  • Basic Categories of DoS/DDoS Attack Vectors
  • Multi-Vector Attack
  • Peer-to-Peer Attack
  • Permanent Denial-of-Service Attack
  • Distributed Reflection Denial-of-Service (DRDoS) Attack
  • Organized Cyber Crime: Organizational Chart
  • Botnets
  • A Typical Botnet Setup
  • Botnet Ecosystem
  • Scanning Methods for Finding Vulnerable Machines
  • How Does Malicious Code Propagate?
DDoS Case Study
  • DDoS Attack
  • Hackers Advertise Links for Downloading Botnets
  • Use of Mobile Devices as Botnets for Launching DDoS Attacks
  • DDoS Case Study: DDoS Attack on GitHub
DoS/DDoS Attack Tools
  • DoS/DDoS Attack Tools
  • DoS and DDoS Attack Tools for Mobiles
  • Detection Techniques
  • DoS/DDoS Countermeasure Strategies
  • DDoS Attack Countermeasures
  • Techniques to Defend against Botnets
  • Additional DoS/DDoS Countermeasures
  • DoS/DDoS Protection at ISP Level
  • Enabling TCP Intercept on Cisco IOS Software
DoS/DDoS Protection Tools
  • Advanced DDoS Protection Appliances
  • DoS/DDoS Protection Tools
  • DoS/DDoS Protection Services

Module 11: Session Hijacking

Session Hijacking Concepts
  • What is Session Hijacking?
  • Why is Session Hijacking Successful?
  • Session Hijacking Process
  • Packet Analysis of a Local Session Hijack
  • Types of Session Hijacking
  • Session Hijacking in OSI Model
  • Spoofing vs. Hijacking
Application Level Session Hijacking
  • Application-Level Session Hijacking
  • Compromising Session IDs using Sniffing and by Predicting Session Token
  • Compromising Session IDs Using Man-in-the-Middle Attack
  • Compromising Session IDs Using Man-in-the-Browser Attack
  • Compromising Session IDs Using Client-side Attacks
  • Compromising Session IDs Using Client-side Attacks: Cross-site Script Attack
  • Compromising Session IDs Using Client-side Attacks: Cross-site Request Forgery Attack
  • Compromising Session IDs Using Session Replay Attacks
  • Compromising Session IDs Using Session Fixation
  • Session Hijacking Using Proxy Servers
  • Session Hijacking Using CRIME Attack
  • Session Hijacking Using Forbidden Attack
  • Session Hijacking Using Session Donation Attack
Network Level Session Hijacking
  • Network Level Session Hijacking
  • TCP/IP Hijacking
  • IP Spoofing: Source Routed Packets
  • RST Hijacking
  • Blind and UDP Hijacking
  • MiTM Attack Using Forged ICMP and ARP Spoofing
Session Hijacking Tools
  • Session Hijacking Tools
  • Session Hijacking Tools for Mobile Phones
  • Session Hijacking Detection Methods
  • Protecting against Session Hijacking
  • Web Development Guidelines to Prevent Session Hijacking
  • Web User Guidelines to Prevent Session Hijacking
  • Session Hijacking Detection Tools
  • Approaches Causing Vulnerability to Session Hijacking and their Preventative Solutions
  • Approaches to Prevent Session Hijacking
  • Approaches to Prevent MITM Attacks
  • IPSec
  • Session Hijacking Prevention Tools

Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots

IDS, IPS, Firewall, and Honeypot Concepts
  • Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
  • Firewall
  • Honeypot
IDS, IPS, Firewall, and Honeypot Solutions
  • Intrusion Detection Tools
  • Intrusion Prevention Tools
  • Firewalls
  • Honeypot Tools
Evading IDS
  • IDS Evasion Techniques

Evading Firewalls
  • Firewall Evasion Techniques

IDS/Firewall Evading Tools
  • IDS/Firewall Evading Tools
  • Packet Fragment Generator Tools
Detecting Honeypots
  • Detecting Honeypots
  • Detecting and Defeating Honeypots
  • Honeypot Detection Tools: Send-Safe Honeypot Hunter
IDS/Firewall Evasion Countermeasures
  • How to Defend Against IDS Evasion
  • How to Defend Against Firewall Evasion

Module 13: Hacking Web Servers

Web Server Concepts
  • Web Server Operations
  • Web Server Security Issues
  • Why are Web Servers Compromised?
Web Server Attacks
  • DoS/DDoS Attacks
  • DNS Server Hijacking
  • DNS Amplification Attack
  • Directory Traversal Attacks
  • Man-in-the-Middle/Sniffing Attack
  • Phishing Attacks
  • Website Defacement
  • Web Server Misconfiguration
  • HTTP Response-Splitting Attack
  • Web Cache Poisoning Attack
  • SSH Brute Force Attack
  • Web Server Password Cracking
  • Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Attack
  • Web Application Attacks
Web Server Attack Methodology
  • Information Gathering
  • Web Server Footprinting/Banner Grabbing
  • Website Mirroring
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Session Hijacking
  • Web Server Password Hacking
  • Using Application Server as a Proxy
Web Server Attack Tools
  • Metasploit
  • Web Server Attack Tools
  • Place Web Servers in Separate Secure Server Security Segment on Network
  • Countermeasures: Patches and Updates
  • Countermeasures: Protocols and Accounts
  • Countermeasures: Files and Directories
  • Detecting Web Server Hacking Attempts
  • How to Defend Against Web Server Attacks
  • How to Defend against HTTP Response-Splitting and Web Cache Poisoning
  • How to Defend against DNS Hijacking
Patch Management
  • Patches and Hotfixes
  • What is Patch Management?
  • Installation of a Patch
  • Patch Management Tools
Web Server Security Tools
  • Web Application Security Scanners
  • Web Server Security Scanners
  • Web Server Malware Infection Monitoring Tools
  • Web Server Security Tools
  • Web Server Pen Testing Tools

Module 14: Hacking Web Applications

Web Application Concepts
  • Introduction to Web Applications
  • Web Application Architecture
  • Web Services
  • Vulnerability Stack
Web Application Threats
  • OWASP Top 10 Application Security Risks, 2017
  • Other Web Application Threats
Web Application Hacking Methodology
  • Web Application Hacking Methodology
  • Footprint Web Infrastructure
  • Analyze Web Applications
  • Bypass Client-side Controls
  • Attack Authentication Mechanism
  • Attack Authorization Schemes
  • Attack Access Controls
  • Attack Session Management Mechanism
  • Perform Injection/Input Validation Attacks
  • Attack Application Logic Flaws
  • Attack Shared Environments
  • Attack Database Connectivity
  • Attack Web Application Client
  • Attack Web Services
  • Additional Web Application Hacking Tools
Web API, Webhooks, and Web Shell
  • What is Web API?
  • What are Webhooks?
  • OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks
  • API Vulnerabilities
  • Web API Hacking Methodology
  • Web Shells
  • Gaining Backdoor Access via Web Shell
  • How to Prevent Installation of a Web Shell
  • Web Shell Detection Tools
  • Secure API Architecture
  • API Security Risks and Solutions
  • Best Practices for API Security
  • Best Practices for Securing Webhooks
Web Application Security
  • Web Application Security Testing
  • Web Application Fuzz Testing
  • Source Code Review
  • Encoding Schemes
  • Whitelisting vs. Blacklisting Applications
  • How to Defend Against Injection Attacks
  • Web Application Attack Countermeasures
  • How to Defend Against Web Application Attacks
  • RASP for Protecting Web Servers
  • Bug Bounty Programs
  • Web Application Security Testing Tools
  • Web Application Firewalls

Module 15: SQL Injection

SQL Injection Concepts
  • What is SQL Injection?
  • SQL Injection and Server-side Technologies
  • Understanding HTTP POST Request
  • Understanding Normal SQL Query
  • Understanding an SQL Injection Query
  • Understanding an SQL Injection Query – Code Analysis
  • Example of a Web Application Vulnerable to SQL Injection: BadProductList.aspx
  • Example of a Web Application Vulnerable to SQL Injection: Attack Analysis
  • Examples of SQL Injection
Types of SQL Injection
  • Types of SQL injection

SQL Injection Methodology
  • Information Gathering and SQL Injection Vulnerability Detection
  • Launch SQL Injection Attacks
  • Advanced SQL Injection
SQL Injection Tools
  • SQL Injection Tools
  • SQL Injection Tools for Mobile Devices
Evasion Techniques
  • Evading IDS
  • Types of Signature Evasion Techniques
  • How to Defend Against SQL Injection Attacks
  • Detecting SQL Injection Attacks
  • SQL Injection Detection Tools

Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks

Wireless Concepts
  • Wireless Terminology
  • Wireless Networks
  • Wireless Standards
  • Service Set Identifier (SSID)
  • Wi-Fi Authentication Modes
  • Wi-Fi Authentication Process Using a Centralized Authentication Server
  • Types of Wireless Antennas
Wireless Encryption
  • Types of Wireless Encryption
  • Comparison of WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3
  • Issues in WEP, WPA, and WPA2
Wireless Threats
  • Wireless Threats

Wireless Hacking Methodology
  • Wireless Hacking Methodology
  • Wi-Fi Discovery
  • GPS Mapping
  • Wireless Traffic Analysis
  • Launch of Wireless Attacks
  • Wi-Fi Encryption Cracking
Wireless Hacking Tools
  • WEP/WPA/WPA2 Cracking Tools
  • WEP/WPA/WPA2 Cracking Tools for Mobile
  • Wi-Fi Packet Sniffers
  • Wi-Fi Traffic Analyzer Tools
  • Other Wireless Hacking Tools
Bluetooth Hacking
  • Bluetooth Stack
  • Bluetooth Hacking
  • Bluetooth Threats
  • Bluejacking
  • Bluetooth Reconnaissance Using Bluez
  • Btlejacking Using BtleJack
  • Bluetooth Hacking Tools
  • Wireless Security Layers
  • Defense Against WPA/WPA2/WPA3 Cracking
  • Defense Against KRACK and aLTEr Attacks
  • Detection and Blocking of Rogue APs
  • Defense Against Wireless Attacks
  • Defense Against Bluetooth Hacking
Wireless Security Tools
  • Wireless Intrusion Prevention Systems
  • WIPS Deployment
  • Wi-Fi Security Auditing Tools
  • Wi-Fi IPSs
  • Wi-Fi Predictive Planning Tools
  • Wi-Fi Vulnerability Scanning Tools
  • Bluetooth Security Tools
  • Wi-Fi Security Tools for Mobile

Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms

Mobile Platform Attack Vectors
  • Vulnerable Areas in Mobile Business Environment
  • OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks – 2016
  • Anatomy of a Mobile Attack
  • How a Hacker can Profit from Mobile Devices that are Successfully Compromised
  • Mobile Attack Vectors and Mobile Platform Vulnerabilities
  • Security Issues Arising from App Stores
  • App Sandboxing Issues
  • Mobile Spam
  • SMS Phishing Attack (SMiShing) (Targeted Attack Scan)
  • Pairing Mobile Devices on Open Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Connections
  • Agent Smith Attack
  • Exploiting SS7 Vulnerability
  • Simjacker: SIM Card Attack
Hacking Android OS
  • Android OS
  • Android Rooting
  • Hacking Android Devices
  • Android Hacking Tools
  • Securing Android Devices
  • Android Security Tools
Hacking iOS
  • Apple iOS
  • Jailbreaking iOS
  • Hacking iOS Devices
  • Securing iOS Devices
  • iOS Device Security Tools
  • iOS Device Tracking Tools
Mobile Device Management
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
  • Mobile Device Management Solutions: IBM MaaS360
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Mobile Security Guidelines and Tools
  • OWASP Top 10 Mobile Controls
  • General Guidelines for Mobile Platform Security
  • Mobile Device Security Guidelines for Administrator
  • SMS Phishing Countermeasures
  • Reverse Engineering Mobile Applications
  • Mobile Security Tools

Module 18: IoT and OT Hacking

IoT Hacking IoT Concepts
  • What is the IoT?
  • How the IoT Works
  • IoT Architecture
  • IoT Application Areas and Devices
  • IoT Technologies and Protocols
  • IoT Communication Models
  • Challenges of IoT
  • Threat vs Opportunity
IoT Attacks
  • IoT Security Problems
  • OWASP Top 10 IoT Threats
  • OWASP IoT Attack Surface Areas
  • IoT Vulnerabilities
  • IoT Threats
  • Hacking IoT Devices: General Scenario
  • IoT Attacks
  • IoT Attacks in Different Sectors
  • Case Study: Dyn Attack
IoT Hacking Methodology
  • What is IoT Device Hacking?
  • IoT Hacking Methodology
IoT Hacking Tools
  • Information-Gathering Tools
  • Sniffing Tools
  • Vulnerability-Scanning Tools
  • Tools to Perform SDR-Based Attacks
  • IoT Hacking Tools
  • How to Defend Against IoT Hacking
  • General Guidelines for IoT Device Manufacturing Companies
  • OWASP Top 10 IoT Vulnerabilities Solutions
  • IoT Framework Security Considerations
  • IoT Device Management
  • IoT Security Tools
OT Hacking Concepts
  • What is OT?
  • Essential Terminology
  • IT/OT Convergence (IIOT)
  • The Purdue Model
  • Challenges of OT
  • Introduction to ICS
  • Components of an ICS
  • OT Technologies and Protocols
OT Attacks
  • OT Vulnerabilities
  • OT Threats
  • OT Attacks
  • OT Malware Analysis: LockerGoga Ransomware
OT Hacking Methodology
  • What is OT hacking?
  • OT Hacking Methodology
OT Hacking Tools
  • Information-Gathering Tools
  • Sniffing and Vulnerability-Scanning Tools
  • OT Hacking Tools
  • How to Defend Against OT Hacking
  • OT Vulnerabilities and Solutions
  • How to Secure an IT/OT Environment
  • International OT Security Organizations
  • OT Security Solutions
  • OT Security Tools

Module 19: Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Concepts
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Types of Cloud Computing Services
  • Separation of Responsibilities in Cloud
  • Cloud Deployment Models
  • NIST Cloud Deployment Reference Architecture
  • Cloud Storage Architecture
  • Role of AI in Cloud Computing
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on Cloud
  • Cloud Service Providers
Container Technology
  • What is a container?
  • Containers vs Virtual Machines
  • What is Docker?
  • Container Orchestration
  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Container Security Challenges
  • Container Management Platforms
  • Kubernetes Platforms
Serverless Computing
  • What is serverless computing?
  • Serverless vs Containers
  • Serverless Computing Frameworks
Cloud Computing Threats
  • OWASP Top 10 Cloud Security Risks
  • OWASP Top 10 Serverless Security Risks
  • Cloud Computing Threats
  • Container Vulnerabilities
  • Kubernetes Vulnerabilities
  • Cloud Attacks
Cloud Hacking
  • What is cloud hacking?
  • Hacking Cloud
  • AWS Hacking Tool: AWS pwn
Cloud Security
  • Cloud Security Control Layers
  • Cloud Security is the Responsibility of both the cloud provider and Consumer
  • Cloud Computing Security Considerations
  • Placement of Security Controls in the Cloud
  • Best Practices for Securing Cloud
  • NIST Recommendations for Cloud Security
  • Kubernetes Vulnerabilities and Solutions
  • Serverless Security Risks and Solutions
  • Best Practices for Container Security
  • Best Practices for Docker Security
  • Best Practices for Kubernetes Security
  • Best Practices for Serverless Security
  • Zero Trust Networks
  • Organization/Provider Cloud Security Compliance Checklist
  • International Cloud Security Organizations
  • Cloud Security Tools
  • Container Security Tools
  • Kubernetes Security Tools
  • Serverless Application Security Solutions

Module 20: Cryptography

Cryptography Concepts
  • Cryptography
  • Government Access to Keys (GAK)
Encryption Algorithms
  • Ciphers
  • Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • RC4, RC5, and RC6 Algorithms
  • Twofish and Threefish
  • Serpent and TEA
  • CAST-128
  • GOST Block Cipher and Camellia
  • DSA and Related Signature Schemes
  • Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
  • Diffie-Hellman
  • YAK
  • Message Digest (One-Way Hash) Functions
  • Other Encryption Techniques
  • Comparison of Cryptographic Algorithms
Cryptography Tools
  • MD5 and MD6 Hash Calculators
  • Hash Calculators for Mobile
  • Cryptography Tools
  • Cryptography Tools for Mobile
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Email Encryption
  • Digital Signature
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • Cryptography Toolkits
  • Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
  • GNU Privacy Guard (CPG)
  • Web of Trust (WOT)
  • Email Encryption Tools

Disk Encryption

  • Disk Encryption
  • Disk Encryption Tools: VeraCrypt and Symantec Drive Encryption
  • Disk Encryption Tools
  • Cryptanalysis Methods
  • Code-breaking methodologies
  • Cryptography Attacks
  • Cryptanalysis Tools
  • Online MD5 Decryption Tools
  • How to Defend Against Cryptographic Attacks
  • Key Stretching

Cyber Security Certification in Vizag

As individuals and organizations appreciate the crucial need of securing digital assets and information, there is a growing demand in cybersecurity education in India. Our institute provides a number of opportunities for anyone looking to improve their abilities and qualifications in this profession.
You will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge and abilities by working on practical hands-on projects as part of this cybersecurity certification in vizag at Datapro Computers. These projects will provide you with the experience and confidence you need to face obstacles by simulating real-world events.

  • Experienced Instructors
  • Practical Learning
  • Certification