Enquiry Form

45 Days
Catia Courses Contents
  • Sketch

  •  Port

  • Sheet Metal

  • Assemble

  • Drafting

  •  Surfacing

  • ntroduction to Designer

  •  Introduction to CAD

  •  CATIA Importance

  •    Mouse Operations

1. Sketch Profile:

  • Profile,Rectangle,Oriented Rectangle, Parallelogram, Elongated Hole, Cylindrical Elongated Hole, Keyhole Profile

  • 2 Hexagon, Centroid Rectangle, Centroid Parallelogram, Circle, 3 Point Circle, Circle using coordinate System, Tri Tangent Circle

  • 3 Arc, 3 Point Arc, 3 Point Arc with starting limits, Ellipse, Parabola by Focus, Hyperbola by Focus, Conic

  • 4 Spline, Connect, Line, Infinite Line, Bi Tangent Line, Bisecting Line, Line normal to curve

  • Axis, Point, Point by using coordinates, Equidistance Points, Intersection Point Projection Point

  • Corner, Camfer, Trim, Break, Quick Trim, Close, Compliment, Mirror

  • Symmetry, Translate, Rotate, Scale, Offset, Project 3D-Element, Intersect 3dElement

  • Constraints toolbar

  • Constraint Designed in Dialogue box, Constraint, Contact Constraint, Fix Together Auto Constraint, Animate Constraint, Edit Multi Constraint


2. Part Design

  • Planning System Importance, Sketch Based Features, Pad, Multi Pad, Drafted filleted pad, Pocket, Multi Pocket, Drafted filleted Pocket, Shaft

  • Groove, Hole, Rib, Slot, Stiffer, Solid Combine, Multi Selection Solid, Removed multi Section Solid

  • Dress Up Features

  • Edge Fillet, Variable Fillet ,Chordal Fillet, Face Face Fillet, Tri Tangent Fillet, Camphor, Draft

  • Draft Reflect time

  • Variable angle draft, Shell, Thickness, Thread and Top ,Remove Face, Replace Face

  • Surface Based Features

  • Split, Thick Surface, Close Surface, Sew Surface, Transformation Features, Translation, Rotation, Symmetry

  • Axis, Mirror, Rectangular Pattern, Circular Pattern, User Pattern, Scaling, Affinity

  • Boolean Operations

  • Add, Remove, Intersect, Union Trim, Remove Jump, Advanced Dress up Features, Draft Sides, Advanced Draft

  • Auto Fillet, Auto Draft, Annotations,

  • Axis System

  • Constraints

  • Body Creation

  • Geometric Sot Creation


3. Sheet Metal

  • Sheet Metal Parameters

  • Recognize

  • Wall

  • Wall or Edge

  • Extrusion

  • Flange

  • Hem

  • Jeer Drop

  • User Flange

  • Hopper

  • Rolled Wall

  • Blend

  • Conical Blend

  • Blend From Flange

  • Hole

  • Corner Relief

  • UN Folding

  • Folding

  • Shape Mapping

  • Cutout

  • Circular cutout

  • Corner

  • Camphor

  • Surface Stamp

  • Bead

  • Curve Stamp

  • Flange Cutout

  • Louver

  • Bridge

  • Flanged Hole

  • Circular Stamp

  • Stiffing Rif

  • Dowel

  • User Stamp

  • Assemble

  • Existing Component

  • Coincidence

  • Contact Constraint

  • Offset Constraint

  • Angle Constraint

  • Fix Component

  • Quick Constraint

  • Create Constraint

  • Create Sub Product

  • Create Part

  • Generate Numbering

  • Fast Multi Installation

  • Manipulation

  • Swap

  • Smart Move

  • Clash

  • Bill of Materials

  • Update

  • Compute Clash

  • 2. drafting

  • Paper Setting

  • Layout Setting

  • Projections

  • Auxiliary View

  • Isometric View

  • Advanced Views

  • Unfolding Views

  • Sectional Views

  • Detailed Views

  • Clipping View

  • Breaking View

  • First Angle Projection

  • Second Angle Projection

  • Third Angle Projection

  • Dimensions

  • Bill out Materials

  • Generate Numbering

  • Text

  • Text with Leader

  • Balloon

  • Symbols

  • Tables

  • Axis and Threads

  • Geometric Creation

  • Geometric Modifications

  4. Surfacing

  • Extrude

  • Revolve

  • Sphere

  • Cylinder

  • Offset

  • Sweep

  • Fill

  • Multi section Surface

  • Blend

  • Join

  • Heading

  • Disable

  • Split

  • Trim

  • Boundary

  • Extract

  • Invert Orientation

  •  Near

  • Explore

  • Extract Polite

  • Wire Frames

  • Point

  • Line

  • Axis

  • Polyline

  • Plane

  • Projection

  • Intersection

  • Circle

  • Corner

  • Connect Curve

  • SP Line

  • Helix

  • Axis System

  • Planner Patch

  • 3point Patch

  • 4Point Patch

  • Generating Extraction

  • Blend Surface

  • Styling Fillet

  • Fill

  • Net Surface

  • Styling Corner

  • Styling Sweep

  • 3D Curve

  • Curve on Surface

  • Isoperimetric Curve

  • Project Curve

  • Blend Curve

  • Match Curve

  • Control Points

  • Match Surface

  • Multi Side Match Surface

  • Fit to Geometry

  • Extend





Catia Course Content
  • Sketch

  •   Port

  •   Sheet Metal

  • Assemble

  • Drafting

  •  Surfacing

  • Introduction to Designer

  • Introduction to CAD

  • CATIA Importance

  • Mouse Operations

1. Sketch Profile:

  • Profile,Rectangle,Oriented Rectangle, Parallelogram, Elongated Hole, Cylindrical Elongated Hole, Keyhole Profile
  • 2 Hexagon, Centroid Rectangle, Centroid Parallelogram, Circle, 3 Point Circle, Circle using coordinate System, Tri Tangent Circle
  • 3 Arc, 3 Point Arc, 3 Point Arc with starting limits, Ellipse, Parabola by Focus, Hyperbola by Focus, Conic
  • 4 Spline, Connect, Line, Infinite Line, Bi Tangent Line, Bisecting Line, Line normal to curve
  • Axis, Point, Point by using coordinates, Equidistance Points, Intersection Point Projection Point
  • Corner, Camfer, Trim, Break, Quick Trim, Close, Compliment, Mirror
  • Symmetry, Translate, Rotate, Scale, Offset, Project 3D-Element, Intersect 3dElementConstraints toolbar
  • Constraint Designed in Dialogue box, Constraint, Contact Constraint, Fix Together Auto Constraint, Animate Constraint, Edit Multi Constraint

2. Part Design

  • Planning System Importance, Sketch Based Features, Pad, Multi Pad, Drafted filleted pad, Pocket, Multi Pocket, Drafted filleted Pocket, Shaft

  • Groove, Hole, Rib, Slot, Stiffer, Solid Combine, Multi Selection Solid, Removed multi Section Solid

  • Dress Up Features

  • Edge Fillet, Variable Fillet ,Chordal Fillet, Face Face Fillet, Tri Tangent Fillet, Camphor, Draft

  • Draft Reflect time

  • Variable angle draft, Shell, Thickness, Thread and Top ,Remove Face, Replace Face

  • Surface Based Features

  • Split, Thick Surface, Close Surface, Sew Surface, Transformation Features, Translation, Rotation, Symmetry

  • Axis, Mirror, Rectangular Pattern, Circular Pattern, User Pattern, Scaling, Affinity

  • Boolean Operations

  • Add, Remove, Intersect, Union Trim, Remove Jump, Advanced Dress up Features, Draft Sides, Advanced Draft

  • Auto Fillet, Auto Draft, Annotations,

  • Axis System

  • Constraints

  • Body Creation

  • Geometric Sot Creation

3. Sheet Metal

  • Sheet Metal Parameters

  • Recognize

  • Wall

  • Wall or Edge

  • Extrusion

  • Flange

  • Hem

  • Jeer Drop

  • User Flange

  • Hopper

  • Rolled Wall

  • Blend

  • Conical Blend

  • Blend From Flange

  • Hole

  • Corner Relief

  • UN Folding

  •  Folding
  • Shape Mapping

  • Cutout

  • Circular cutout

  • Corner

  • Camphor

  • Surface Stamp

  • Bead

  • Curve Stamp

  • Flange Cutout

  • Louver

  • Bridge

  • Flanged Hole

  • Circular Stamp

  • Stiffing Rif

  • Dowel

  • User Stamp

  • Assemble

  • Existing Component

  • Coincidence

  • Contact Constraint

  • Offset Constraint

  • Angle Constraint

  • Fix Component

  • Quick Constraint

  • Create Constraint

  • Create Sub Product

  • Create Part

  • Generate Numbering

  • Fast Multi Installation

  • Manipulation

  • Swap

  • Smart Move

  • Clash

  • Bill of Materials

  • Update

  • Compute Clash

  • 2. drafting

  • Paper Setting

  • Layout Setting

  • Projections

  • Auxiliary View

  • Isometric View

  • Advanced Views

  • Unfolding Views

  • Sectional Views

  • Detailed Views

  • Clipping View

  • Breaking View

  • First Angle Projection

  • Second Angle Projection

  • Third Angle Projection

  • Dimensions

  • Bill out Materials

  • Generate Numbering

  • Text

  • Text with Leader

  • Balloon

  • Symbols

  • Tables

  • Axis and Threads

  • Geometric Creation

  • Geometric Modifications

    3. Surfacing

  • Extrude

  • Revolve

  • Sphere

  • Cylinder

  • Offset

  • Sweep

  • Fill

  • Multi section Surface

  • Blend

  • Join

  • Heading

  • Disable

  • Split

  • rim

  • Boundary

  • Extract

  • Invert Orientation


  • Explore

  • Extract Polite

  • Wire Frames

  • Point

  • Line

  • Axis

  • Polyline

  • Plane

  • Projection

  • Intersection


  • Circle

  • Corner

  • Connect Curve

  • SP Line

  • Helix

  • Axis System

  • Planner Patch

  • 3point Patch

  • 4Point Patch

  • Generating Extraction

  • Blend Surface

  • Styling Fillet

  • Fill

  • Net Surface

  • Styling Corner

  • Styling Sweep

  • 3D Curve

  • Curve on Surface

  • Isoperimetric Curve

  • Project Curve

  • Blend Curve

  • Match Curve

  • Control Points

  • Match Surface

  • Multi Side Match Surface

  • Fit to Geometry

  • Extend