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Core Python Course Contents

Welcome to our python course in Visakhapatnam! If you're looking to dive into the world of programming and want to learn python, you've come to the right place. At our python training institute in visakhapatnam, we offer a comprehensive python training course in vizag that covers all the essential concepts and skills you need to become a proficient python developer. Our curriculum is designed to benefit all levels of learners, whether you are new or have some previous knowledge. Whether you're interested in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, or any other field, this python training will clarify any doubts you may have.

Why Choose Our Python Training In Visakhapatnam?

Our python course in visakhapatnam teaches you real-world python fundamentals. Our training programs, led by industry experts, guide you through the most important basics in every detail.  In our python classes in vizag, we focus on the value of hands-on experience. It helps students in their understanding of the Python programming course.

Who Can Benefit from Our Python Course in Visakhapatnam

  • Programmers and developers in training
  • Students looking to improve their resumes with key skills
  • IT professionals want to further their careers or switch careers
  • Data lovers who want to use Python for data analysis and visualization
  • Entrepreneurs who wish to start their own technology firms
  • Anyone with an interest in programming and technology
  • Check here to learn more about our advanced Python course.
  • Check here to learn about capstone projects offered with this course.


What You Will Learn in this Python Certification Course in Visakhapatnam

Chapter-1 (What is Python and why is it important today)

  • What is Python
  • Which companies are already using it
  • Why everyone is talking about it now
  • Different types of applications that can be created using Python
  • Features of Python

Chapter-2 (Introduction to Python Programming)

  • Why the name Python?
  • How to install Python
  • Program: To display welcome message on the screen
  • Program: Demo on Numbers and Arithmetic
  • Program: Demo on Exponential operator
  • Program: Comments and variables, sum of two numbers
  • Program: Taking input from the user
  • Program: Typecasting demo
  • Program: To use built-in mathematical function and to show all the built-in functions in python
  • To show help on any built-in function
  • Help mode
  • Demo on importing a module and using it, also covers giving alias names to built-in functions in modules
  • Demo on how to save and run python files
  • How to run a Python program without opening the python shell every time we want to run the program
  • Different ways of executing a Python Program
  • Built-in Datatypes in Python
  • Program: Demo on complex datatype
  • User-defined datatypes
  • Keywords/reserved words in Python
  • Operators in Python
  • Operator Precedence
  • Operator Associativity
  • Program: Demo on exponential operator - to prove its associativity
  • Some Assignments

Chapter-3 (Control Structures)

  • Introduction to Control Structures
  • Program: Demo on “if”
  • Program: Demo1 on “if” and “else”
  • Program: Demo2 on “if” and “else”
  • Program: Demo on “elif” and string comparision
  • Program: Demo on logical operators (“and” and “or”)
  • Program: Demo on boolean operators
  • Program: Demo on “is” operator
  • Program: Demo2 on “is” operator
  • Program: “for” loop demo
  • Program: “while” loop demo
  • Program: To print in the same line
  • Program: To display odd numbers from 1 to 10 using range()
  • Program: To display numbers from 10 to 1 in descending order
  • Program: Multiplication table
  • Program: Reversing an integer
  • Program: Finding whether a given number is an Armstrong number or not
  • Program: Nested Loops
  • Program: Multiple Multiplication tables using nested loops
  • Program: Finding factorial of a given number
  • Program: Finding whether a given number is a strong number or not
  • Program: Display Fibonacii Series 23. Program: Infinite Loop
  • Introduction to Jump Statements
  • Program: break statement
  • Program: continue statement
  • Program: Finding whether a given number is a Perfect number or not
  • Program: Finding whether a given number is a Prime number or not
  • Program: LCM of two numbers
  • Program: GCF of two numbers
  • Program: Pyramid Ex1
  • Program: Pyramid Ex2
  • Program: Pyramid Ex3
  • Program: Pyramid Ex4
  • Program: Demo on pass statement
  • Program: “else” clause on loops
  • Program: assert statement Demo
  • Some Assignments

Chapter-4 (String Handling)

  • Program: Strings demo1
  • Program: String Concatenation
  • Program: String Concatenation Ex2
  • Program: Printing formatted string using %
  • Program: Printing multiple values together using place holders and format()
  • Program: String indexing
  • Program: String library functions – demo
  • Program: Evaluating an expression entered from keyboard
  • Program: To nullify the effect of escape characters - demo
  • Program: Demo on accessing each element of a string in forward and reverse orders using while loop
  • Program: Demo on String slicing
  • Program: Demo on Repeating the strings
  • Program: Demo on checking membership
  • Program: Demo1 on Comparing strings
  • Program: Demo2 on Comparing strings
  • Program: Demo on strip(), lstrip(), rstrip()
  • Program: Finding position of a sub string – Demo
  • Program: To display all positions of a substring – Demo
  • Program: Counting substrings in a string
  • Strings are Immutable
  • Program: Strings are Immutable – Demo1
  • Program: Strings are immutable – Demo2, also covers id()
  • Program: Demo on replace()
  • Program: Demo1 on splitting a string
  • Program: Demo2 on splitting a string
  • Program: Demo on joining the strings
  • Program: Demo on changing case of a string
  • Program: Demo on startswith() and endswith()
  • Program: Demo on testing the nature of characters in a String
  • Program: Demo on sorting of strings
  • Some Assignments

Chapter-5 (Arrays)

  • What is an Array
  • Advantages of Arrays
  • Syntax of Creating an Array and Typecodes
  • Program: Importing “array” module in different ways and creating an integer array
  • Program: Creating floating type array
  • Program: Creating a character array
  • Program: Creating one array from another array
  • Program: Retrieve the elements of an array using array index
  • Slicing an array
  • Program: Demo on slicing an array
  • Program: Demo on using various methods of arrays class
  • Program: Reading a student’s marks in 5 subjects into an int array and find the average marks
  • Program: Generating Results sheet from students’ marks
  • Program: Bubble sorting of integer array
  • Program: Types of arrays
  • Some assignments

Chapter-6 (Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries & Sets)

  • Lists Introduction
  • Python Programming using Visual Studio Code Editor
  • Program: Lists demo1
  • Program: Lists demo2
  • Program: Lists demo3 - slicing
  • Program: Lists demo4 – slicing ex2
  • Program: Lists demo5– inserting, sorting, reversing, removing
  • Program: Lists demo6 – dealing with mapping collection
  • Program: Lists demo7 – nesting of lists
  • Program: List of Lists and “for” loop
  • Program: To convert the generated values using range() into a list
  • Program: Concatenation of two lists
  • Program: Repetition of lists
  • Program: Membership in Lists
  • Program: Aliasing of lists
  • Program: Cloning of lists
  • Program: Finding biggest and smallest elements in a list
  • Program: Count number of occurrences of an element in the list
  • Program: Demo1 on List comprehensions 20.
  • Program: Demo2 on List comprehensions
  • Program: Demo3 on List comprehensions
  • Lists Vs Tuples
  • Program: Demo on Tuples
  • Program: Tuples – Demo2 – Tuple unpacking
  • Program: Demo on some basic operations of a Tuple
  • Program: To find the first occurrence of an element in a tuple, also covers converting list to tuple
  • Program: Demo on nested tuples
  • Program: To sort a tuple with nested tuples
  • Program: Inserting elements in a tuple
  • Program: Modifying elements in a tuple
  • Program: Deleting elements from a tuple
  • Program: Dictionary – ex1
  • Program: Dictionary – ex2 – List as a value
  • Program: Dictionary – ex3 – A Dictionary nested inside another Dictionary
  • Program: Dictionary – ex4 – finding length, adding & removing
  • Program: Create a dictionary with cricket players names and scores in a match, retrieve runs by entering the player’s name
  • Program: Using for loop to retrieve elements of a dictionary
  • Program: Sorting the elements of a dictionary with Lambdas
  • Program: Converting Lists into Dictionary
  • Program: Demo on converting a string to dictionary
  • Program: Demo on ordered dictionary
  • Program: Sets Demo
  • Program: Demo on frozenset
  • Program: Finding common elements in two lists using sets – Ex1
  • Program: Finding common elements in two lists using sets – Ex2

Chapter-7 (Functions)

  • Introduction to creating user defined functions
  • Program: Demo on creating user defined functions
  • Program: Demo on creating a docstring in a function and referring to it while calling the function
  • Program: Returning multiple values from a function Demo1
  • Program: Returning multiple values from a function Demo2
  • Functions are also objects in Python
  • Program: Assigning a function to a variable
  • Program: Nesting of functions
  • Program: Passing function as parameter to another function
  • Program: Demo on returning a function from another function
  • Function call mechanisms in Python
  • Program: Passing an integer to a function and modifying it
  • Program: Passing a list to a function and modifying it – Demo1
  • Program: Passing a list to a function and modifying it – Demo2
  • Types of actual arguments
  • Program: Demo on positional arguments
  • Program: Demo on keyword arguments
  • Program: Demo1 on default arguments
  • Program: Demo2 on default arguments
  • Program: Demo1 on variable length arguments
  • Program: Demo2 on variable length arguments
  • Program: Demo3 on variable length arguments
  • Program: Demo4 on variable length arguments
  • Program: Demo on keyword variable length argument
  • Program: Demo on Local Vs Global variables
  • Program: Demo on Global keyword
  • Program: Demo on recursive functions Ex1
  • Program: Demo on recursive functions Ex2
  • Lambda Expressions in Python
  • Program: Lambda expressions Ex1
  • Program: Using Lambdas with filter() – Ex1
  • Program: Using Lambdas with filter() – Ex2
  • Program: Using Lambdas with map() – Ex1
  • Program: Using Lambdas with map() – Ex2
  • Program: Using Lambdas with reduce() – Ex1
  • Program: Using Lambdas with reduce() – Ex2
  • Program: reduce() with operator module functions
  • Program: Demo on accumulate()
  • Function Decorators
  • Program: Function Decorators – Ex1
  • Program: Function Decorators – Ex2
  • Special variable __name__
  • Program: Demo on special variable __name__

Chapter-8 (Modules & from keyword)

  • What is a module?
  • Creating and using Modules in Python
  • Modules Vs Packages
  • From keyword demo1
  • From keyword demo2

Chapter-9 (Command Line arguments)

  • Program: Passing two command line arguments and using them
  • Program: Passing any number of command line arguments and using them

Chapter-10 (OOP Basics using Python)

  • Introduction to OOP
  • Program: Demo on creating a class, some member functions, creating an instance and invoking the member functions
  • Program: Constructor Ex1
  • Program: Constructor Ex2 – with default arguments
  • Program: Demo on private data members
  • Program: To print an object directly
  • Program: Instance variables/fields and static variables/fields demo
  • Types of methods in Python
  • Program: Class Methods Demo
  • Program: Static Methods Demo
  • Program: Inner classes demo
  • Some assignments

Chapter-11 (Inheritance and Polymorphism)

  • Program: Demo on Inheritance
  • Invoking the base class constructor
  • Types of Inheritance in Python
  • Program: Demo on Multiple Inheritance
  • Program: Demo on Multi-level Inheritance
  • Program: Demo on Hierarchical Inheritance
  • Program: Demo on Hybrid Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Program: Polymorphism in Operators
  • Program: Polymorphism in built-in functions
  • Program: Polymorphism in user-defined methods
  • Program: Polymorphism with Inheritance
  • Program: Demo on NotImplementedError() – without using it
  • Program: Demo on NotImplementedError() – with using it (abstract methods in Java/C#.NET)
  • Operator Overloading in Python
  • Program: Demo1 on Operator Overloading – addition operator (+) on Python built-in types
  • Magic Methods in Python
  • Program: Demo2 on Operator Overloading - addition operator (+) on user-defined objects
  • Program: Demo3 on Operator Overloading – overloading (>) operator
  • Abstract methods and their need
  • Program: Demo1 on Abstract method and abstract class
  • Program: Demo2 on Abstract method and abstract class
  • Some assignments

Chapter-12 (Exception Handling)

  • Program: Exception Handling in Python - using try-except blocks
  • Program: Demo on try-except blocks
  • Program: Demo on finally block
  • Program: Demo on User-defined exceptions

Chapter-13 (File Handling)

  • Program: File Handling – reading lines from a text file
  • Program: File Handling – To know whether a file exists or not
  • Program: File Handing – writing
  • Program: File Handling - Writing a list of lines to a file at once
  • The File Opening Modes
  • Program: File Handling - to append data to an existing file and then displaying the entire file
  • Program: File Handling – usage of “with” keyword
  • Program: File Handling – To count number of lines, total words and number of words in each line in a text file
  • Program: File Handling – Working with Binary Files – read and write images/audio files
  • Serialization and Deserialization
  • Program: File Handling – Serialization of an object in Python
  • Program: File Handling – Deserialization of an object in Python
  • Program: File Handling – Writing Records in Binary Mode
  • Program: File Handling – Reading Records in Binary Mode
  • Program: File Handling - Zipping files
  • Program: File Handling - UnZipping a file to extract its contents
  • Program: File Handling - To know the current working directory
  • Program: File Handling - To display all contents of the current directory and its sub-directories as well
  • Program: File Handling - To create a sub directory
  • Program: File Handling - To remove a sub directory

Chapter-14 (Regular Expressions in Python)

  • Introduction
  • Program: Regular Expression Ex1 - using compile(), search() & group()
  • Program: Regular Expression Ex2 - search()
  • Program: Regular Expression Ex3 – findall()
  • Program: Regular Expression Ex4 – match()
  • Program: Regular Expression Ex6 – split()
  • Program: Regular Expression Ex 7– sub()
  • Sequence Characters in Regular Expression
  • Program: Sequence Characters in Regular Expression – Ex1
  • Program: Sequence Characters in Regular Expression – Ex2
  • Program: Sequence Characters in Regular Expression – Ex3
  • Program: Sequence Characters in Regular Expression – Ex4
  • Program: Sequence Characters in Regular Expression – Ex5
  • Program: Sequence Characters in Regular Expression – Ex6
  • Quantifiers in Regular Expression
  • Program: Quantifiers in Regular Expression – Ex1
  • Program: Quantifiers in Regular Expression – Ex2
  • Program: Quantifiers in Regular Expression– Ex3
  • Program: Quantifiers in Regular Expression – Ex4
  • Special Characters in Regular Expression
  • Program: Special Characters in Regular Expression – Ex1
  • Program: Special Characters in Regular Expression – Ex2
  • Program: Special Characters in Regular Expression – Ex3 
  • Program: Special Characters in Regular Expression – Ex4
  • Program: Special Characters in Regular Expression – Ex5
  • Program: Using Regular Expressions on Files – Ex1
  • Program: Using Regular Expressions on Files – Ex2
  • Program: Using Regular Expressions to get data from a HTML table

Chapter-15 (Date & Time)

  • Program: The beginning of a time
  • Program: Finding current Date and Time
  • Program: Demo on now()
  • Program: Combining Date and Time
  • Formatting Date & Time – codes
  • Program: Demo on Formatting Date – ex1
  • Program: Demo on Formatting Date – ex2
  • Program: Formatting Time
  • Program: To accept a date from the keyboard and display the day of the week
  • Program: Finding difference between two dates
  • Program: Finding difference between two times
  • Program: To display the next 30 days
  • Program: Comparing two dates
  • Program: Sorting dates
  • Program: Delaying program’s execution
  • Program: Knowing program’s efficiency
  • Program: Using “calendar” module – Ex1
  • Program: Using “calendar” module – Ex2
  • 19. Program: Using “calendar” module – Ex3

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Python Training in Vizag

1. What kind of job opportunities can I expect after completing Python training?

Python training opens doors to a wide range of job opportunities in fields such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, software development, and more. Python developers are in high demand in growing tech sector.

2. Who can benefit from Python training in Vizag?

Python training is suitable for aspiring programmers, students, IT professionals, data enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in building a career in programming and technology.

3. Is prior programming experience necessary for Python training?

No, Python is an excellent choice for beginners. Python's simple and readable syntax makes it accessible to those with no prior programming experience.

4. What topics are covered in Python course in Vizag?

Python training typically covers a wide range of topics, including Python fundamentals, data types, control flow, functions, modules, file handling, object-oriented programming, web development with Python, data analysis, and machine learning.

5. Will I receive a certification upon completing Python training in Vizag?

Our Python training programs at Datapro offer certificates of completion. These certificates can be valuable for job applications and career advancement.