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Corel Draw Course Content

1. Various file formats  

  • File formats for web (RGB - Red, Green Blue) 
  • File formats for printing (CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) 

2. Corel Draw learning tools  

  • Interactive blend tools  
  • Interactive contour tool 
  • Interactive distortion tool 
  • Interactive drop shadow tool 
  • CorelDraw shapes 
  • Star tool 
  • Crop tool 
  • Eraser tool 
  • Knife tool 
  • Interactive fill tool 
  • Complex star tool 
  • Spiral tool 
  • Graph paper tool 
  • Interactive transparency tool 
  • Interactive extrude tool 
  • Interactive envelope tool 

3. Corel Basics  

  • Pick tool - Move 
  • Pick tool - Skew 
  • Pick tool - Resize 
  • Corel text basics 
  • Simple wireframe 
  • Wireframe 
  • Behind / in front of 
  • Preview selected preview 
  • Zoom selected 
  • Fit in window 
  • Zoom all 
  • Basics graphics terms - ungroup 
  • Guidelines details 
  • Guidelines 
  • Outline 
  • Fill colour 
  • Fountain fill 
  • Corel fill types 
  • Angle & edge pad - Fountain fill 
  • Duplicate 
  • Select within group 
  • Corel text fill 
  • Import 
  • Draft Combine 
  • Group 
  • Combine & group 
  • Oder / Forward / Black one 

4. Corel Techniques  

  • Shaping basics 
  • Weld 
  • Weld to 
  • Weld to - target, source object 
  • Simplify 
  • Trim 
  • Front minus back 
  • Intersect 
  • Back minus front 

5. Corel Draw basics effects  

  • Fit text to path basic 
  • Fit text to path intermediate 
  • Fit text to path advanced 
  • Removing text path basic 
  • Removing text path intermediate 
  • Blend rotation 
  • Add respective basic 
  • Add respective shape 
  • Blend different shapes 
  • Colour blending 
  • Blend steps 
  • Using power clips 
  1. Artistic effects  
  2. Corel Draw text effects  
  3. Design, Layout and photos 
  4. Extra - CorelDraw workspace Tour 
  5. Extra - Creating a logo 

06. Various file formats  

  • File formats for web (RGB - Red, Green, Blue) 
  • File formats for printing (CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) 

07. Corel page layout / Document set up / Colour / Printing  

  • Using the document colour palette 
  • High-end colour support for interactive blend and contour effects in CorelDraw 
  • Hot to convert shadows to spot ink colours and set shadow resolution 

08. Drawing  

  • The curve tools 
  • Reducing the number of nodes in curve objects 
  • A clever new CorelDraw Drawing tool 
  • Hot to draw mechanical threads 
  • Designing for accuracy 
  • Mastering CorelDraw's mesh fills 
  • Advanced graphics with mesh fills 
  1. Corel Trace  
    • Taking Corel Power Trace for a test drive 
  2. Graphics  
    • Using power clips 
  3. Corel Photo - Paint  

09. PDF documents  

  • Creating graphics for a full screen PDF presentation in CorelDraw 
  • Creating interactive PDF documents with CorelDraw